Our rent payment options are simple and straightforward and if you have any issues the team are approachable and more than happy to talk to you. Rent is required to be paid on-time and monthly in advance, however if your personal circumstances change please do come and talk to us as soon as you can. We accept rent payments via standing order. Please set up so funds clear on or before the 1st of every month to the following account;
Account Name: Unite Integrated Solutions PLC
Sort Code: 56-00-05
Account Number: 30874351
Bank: Natwest
Reference 001FL followed by your flat number in 000 format e.g. Flat 8 would be 001FL008, Flat 23 would be 001FL023, Flat 152 would be 001FL152 For international use only, please use; IBAN: GB56NWBK56000530874351 BIC: NWBKGB2L